Presentamos en la sesión de short papers del Information Seek in Context (ISIC) 2010 el trabajo J. Tramullas y P. Garrido Analysis of the behavior of librarianship and information science students in weblogs services. En el mismo revisamos las pautas de comportamiento informacional de estudiantes de Información y Documentación, el marco del desarrollo de proyectos de blog como herramientas de aprendizaje y evaluación.
Abstract: Blogosphere is a space with digital information in which social networks form that offer countless application possibilities. In this technology-mediated context, it is technologically feasible to study the performance and approaches of production, diffusion, relationship and use of information from different perspectives. This work analyses information management approaches within a series of librarianship and information science students’ weblogs by comparing two consecutive academic courses for the purpose of verifying whether students’ performance matches a specific user profile or offers characteristics of its own.