Estoy estos días en Atenas, ya que presento en la 6th Annual International Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems, que organiza ATINER, el trabajo Tramullas, J & Garrido, P. (2010): PHD: A Semantic Tool and Hybrid Database for Information Resources.
Abstract. Hybrid databases are not only becoming an important part in the development of software engineering but also in the development of specialised subject gateways, digital libraries, etc. The research project, which we hereby detail, has been utterly dedicated to design a suitable repository to gather information resources called PHD. A multidisciplinary group has been working with the purpose of finally obtaining a new hybrid repository which provided a new approach to information stored in a relational repository and make possible to accompany the basic information by a tagging language that enables an alternative search process faster and more efficient and helps to improve the display interface for the information.