Hoy presentamos en el Fourth Metadata and Semantics Research Conference (MTSR 2010), que se celebra en la Univ. de Alcalá de Henares, el trabajo Garrido, P. Tramullas, J. y Martínez, F.J., Application of semantic tagging to generate superimposed information on a digital encyclopedia. Se publica en Sánchez-Alonso, S. and Athanasiadis, I. (eds.) Metadata and Semantic Research. 4th International Conference MTSR 2010, Communications in Computer and Information Science 108. Heidelberg: Springer, 2010, 84-94.
Abstract. We can find in the literature several works regarding the automatic or semi-automatic processing of textual documents with historic information using free software technologies. However, more research work is needed to integrate the analysis of the context and provide coverage to the peculiarities of the Spanish language from a semantic point of view. This research work proposes a novel knowledge-based strategy based on combining subject-centric computing, a topic-oriented approach, and superimposed information. It subsequent combination with artificial intelligence techniques led to an automatic analysis after implementing a made-to-measure interpreted algorithm which, in turn, produced a good number of associations and events with 90% reliability.
Keywords: Topic Maps, DITA, XTM, electronic encyclopedia, automatic processing, artificial intelligence, superimposed information