Wikipedia categories in research: towards a qualitative review of uses and applications

Hoy hemos presentado en el 15th International ISKO Conference el trabajo Tramullas, J., Sánchez-Casabón, A. I.,  Garrido-Picazo, P. Wikipedia categories in research: towards a qualitative review of uses and applications. En: Challenges and Opportunities for Knowledge Organization int he Digital Age. Proceedings of the Fifteenth International ISKO Conference. Porto: Ergon Verlag, 2018, 490-497.

Abstract: This paper reviews the study and use of the Wikipedia category system in research, adopting a systematic literature review approach, but considering the qualitative review of the content of a set of selected papers. Several types of work are identified, depending on the intrinsic study of the category system, or its use as a tool for the analysis of other documentary corpus different to Wikipedia. We conclude that the system of categories offers a valid classification scheme for different approaches and studies on the organization of knowledge in multiple contexts.